Extra! Extra! Eles acabam de invadir o planeta! - Squadafum

Extra! Extra! They just invaded the planet!

Extra! Extra! They just invaded the planet!

An unidentified flying object has just crashed into our planet!

A UFO was seen this morning falling directly here in the west zone of São Paulo. According to witness testimonies, a luminous object began to tear the sky, followed by a collision noise, showered with lights and smoke. Some people report having a strange smell, but little is known about it.

A resident of the region told us in an interview, “I was at my window, when out of nowhere I see bright lights appearing in the sky, for a second I thought it was time to drop everything and go to bed, but then I realized that it was the fall of some space object. It was crazy dude, like a Netflix movie!”

During searches carried out in the morning, some observers of the accident reported seeing strange lights appearing in the sky just before the craft crashed in the middle of the bush, where it was abandoned. The search for the alien life form continues, some say it has been seen around town committing acts of vandalism.

NASA, which had already been called to study some behaviors of Brazilians, has already set up an observation field and according to the report more ships should appear, perhaps in search of one of their own that is still here or to finish decimating us.

The new SDF Aliens collection has just arrived!

Now Squadafum's most beloved and most practical bong has a new look. The model continues to be produced with the same material, borosilicate glass, and the same format, a percolator and ice lock, offering triple filtration of the smoke. And to make it even easier, the new glass tube comes with a stem in the bowl for easy hitting.

The 2022 collection brings the Space, Trip and City themes that were developed by our art and creation team, through an idea brought in, which little by little was putting together the story of our aliens.

To complete the kit, we also produce metal trays that are available in large and small sizes. This is an indispensable accessory in the kit of most consumers, because in addition to serving as a support for rolling a cigarette, it also keeps the environment organized.

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